>Playing Catch-Up (Not Catch)

>School’s done, and now I can finally blog all the thoughts I’ve kept pent up in random wordpad documents for the past week and a half.

Thanksgiving Holiday
Alex’s first-cousin-once-removed, David, came to my parents’ house in San Antonio, and we joined them for a fun three-day holiday. During that time, we:

Then we came back and worked on the building, and I dubbed myself the Insulation Queen (to the tune, of course, of Abba’s “Dancing Queen“). And had to take two sick days thereafter because I didn’t wear a dust mask.

And in the mail: a collection of 50 martyr stories told by various comic artists. Hagiography and graphic storytelling: a bizarre pairing made in my kind of heaven.

Last Weekend
The use of a dust mask this go-round averted further insulation-related misery on my part, although Alex couldn’t handle his mask for long and thus suffered, sadly. At least neither of us took sick days as a result, this time.

I spent Sunday working on my school projects–just like old times, before I graduated! Alex went shooting with our friend Brandon (the boardgame geek, not the Star Wars geek), and then they came back to the house and we all played Carcassone the City (which I beat them both at–woohoo!), and Mykerinos (which I was horrible at, but found interesting). We had much fun, but also much sadness, as Brandon is soon moving to Seattle.

And as for the rest of what happened on Sunday… we suffered the Great DVR Crisis. You can read about it in a post I’m titling, “Pop-Culture Junkie.”

2 thoughts on “>Playing Catch-Up (Not Catch)

  1. Valerie says:

    >There’s nothing to be ashamed of in owning a JT CD – of course, I’m saying this as a complete pop music junkie. This latest CD is good though…my favorite track du jour is #7. =)

  2. Starrlett says:

    >Heh, heh. I think it’s simply justice for all the merciless making-fun-of I’ve done of JT in the past (although I think it’s understandable, considering his boy-band roots). My current fave (besides track #2) is track #5. It reminds me of the Michael Jackson of the 1980s. ;)And yeah, so now I want the lastest Christina Aguilera CD, too. It’s like when I said, loudly, that after high school I would never take Chemistry again… and then suffered through it in college. God likes a good laugh at the expense of my pride, I think. 😀

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