A Plethora of Notes

I have this silly habit, perhaps many of you share it. I compulsively take notes–during meetings, workshops, conferences, lectures, heck even the odd tour or so. Primarily I do this because writing it down even once helps my poor abused memory retain the content, and secondarily because if I ever remember that I took notes and need more specifics, I could perhaps track down the info on my phone/iPad/laptop/various and sundry pieces of paper shoved into boxes in my closet. (Ahem.)

Mostly this means that notes take up much of my hard drive space on any given device, although the only notes I consult regularly are my to-do lists. But I’ve been to a lot of cool things since we moved to NYC, and they’ve all been swimming around in my brain, so I thought I’d present a highlights blurb here. (I’m sorry or you’re welcome, take your pick!) Continue reading

Easier Said Than Done: Dissertation to Article(s)

It’s been a busy couple of weeks (as evidenced by the crickets chirping on the blog / FB / twitter). I’ve been on the prowl for our next NYC apartment, which was such an unexpectedly complex process that it will merit a blog post on its own at some point. I was also briefly in Dallas to deal with our belongings (aka The Storage Unit of Doom) and house there–egads–and I’ve still got work on that end to accomplish. BUT. Here I am, back to academia and writing!


I’ve been struggling for months now with how to turn my dissertation into articles. Part of the problem stems from the way that social sciences dissertations are divided by functional, rather than topical, chapters. My chapters are titled exactly the same as most dissertations in my field (and the wider social sciences): 1) Introduction, 2) Literature Review, 3) Methodology, 4) Results (the data), and 5) Discussion (or conclusions, implications). By contrast, my master’s thesis in art history was great fodder for insta-articles (ah, the humanities!) because the chapters were topical: 1) introduction, 2) history, 3) iconography, 4) locations/types of images, 5) image function in the Catholic Mass.

My dissertation was a big project, something that needs to be broken down into digest-able chunks to work as articles. However, since I didn’t have to divide up the project initially, conceptualizing this after the fact is difficult. The distilled version of my dissertation study is this: I studied the education and other preparatory methods experienced by academic library administrators, and looked at how valuable/relevant they perceived each method to be, related to their academic leadership as administrators. My initial thought was to write one literature review article and two data-driven empirical articles: one on educational background (degrees earned), and another on the five other preparatory methods. But as I delved into the data, I had trouble separating the educational results from the other methods and began to see that the mentoring preparation might merit an article of its own.

I’m going back to the beginning to re-evaluate my plans. For the education-focused article, I’m going to limit my focus based on results with the greatest potential interest for my audience and impact on the disciplines (of library science and higher education). I may decide the rest of the educational data merits a follow-up article, particularly since I think there would be value in my performing some additional statistical analysis on my existing data. But if I wait to write an article after I perform those analyses, I’ll be putting off publication by months and end up with far too much information for a single article.


This blog post is sponsored by: Tiny Academic Batman!

I’m waiting to conceptualize the second article until I have a firm outline and draft for this first article. I’ve learned over and over that if I try too much at once, I can get overwhelmed and become completely un-scholarly-productive (a.k.a. “ALL THE THINGS“). Thus, I’m limiting my focus. I’m also dividing my writing time into handy 2-hour chunks, divided by scheduled time-slots for other tasks (including my academic reading–it’s so much easier to keep up with it if I schedule in a few hours a week). I’m planning on starting the literature review / meta-analysis article next, and may actually outline that while I’m working on the first article (after all, there will be some overlap).

I’m finding the most helpful tip to be starting with the abstract. I usually start with the general empirical article outline, which roughly follows the dissertation itself: introduction, lit review, methodology, results/findings, discussion/implications/future research ideas, and conclusion. However, starting with that outline has been frustrating for me this time around–for one, because those headings are so generic. By starting with the abstract, I’m creating a one-sentence summation of the specifics for each section (about five sentences total), which is a far better and more specific guide of what I plan to write.

The other key to my writing productivity is the concept of “draft vomit.” That is, I turn off my inner editorial voice that wants to edit sentences as I type, and simply try to write down ideas as quickly as they come. This is most easily done in short sprints, and it takes practice to loose your inhibitions and simply write. It’s tough enough to do that sort of thing in fiction, but in research, when we have an obligation to cite sources and explain research methods, it can feel flat-out wrong to write so freely. I must continually remind myself that producing content is the key, and that I’ll edit for sources and grammar and rational reasoning later.

Well. It’s a work in progress!

Finally, there’s my own past series on writing  journal articles (from scratch, not from dissertations–but still).

Presenting Well

We’ve all sat through tedious presentations with text-heavy slides and a monotone, stagnant speaker. How do you keep from becoming that speaker yourself? Here are my personal strategies for presenting well.

Writing the Presentation Proposal

Proposals are typically short, limiting you to 100, 250, or 500 words. So take the cue and be to-the-point about your topic, avoid “scholarly” lingo if possible. My typical mind-frame is imagining I’m describing the topic to a friend. You want to be engaging and explain why people should care about your topic.
The only real rule I have about proposals is to send them. You’ll never be accepted if you don’t at least try, and I’ve been surprised by the number of times my proposals have been accepted. The only caveat here is to be sure to only propose to events you can conceivably attend–don’t pitch proposals for two concurrent conferences at the same time. Be mindful and professional about your commitments.

Creating the Slideshow (or not)

We don’t all absorb information in the same way–that’s how the idea of “learning styles” came about. Think about ways you can present the information using various methods, to reach the most people and keep the audience’s attention (through speech, written text, visual images, movement, etc.). How can you use the slide to emphasize what you’re verbally saying, but in a different way?

Personally, I’m visually attuned–I like images, to understand things through visual representations. So I feel it’s important to use images in presentation slides. It helps break up all that text, and it could help your audience understand your point better. Not crummy clip art (see this preso), not meaningless filler images, but an image that directly illustrates a point (like a table illustrating data) or is contextually/thematically related. Are you talking about data, specific outcomes? Then SHOW it to us, don’t just talk about it and show a slide full of text.

Need some tips on how to edit images? See the presentation below for ideas.

Be mindful to use public domain or creative-commons licensed images (or your own). Here are a few resources to get you started–and remember, most government-produced images are public domain!

Here’s a presentation on using public domain images (and my personal manifesto against clip-art).

When it comes to slide themes and Prezi templates, strive for simplicity and readability. If you’re familiar with the room in which you’re presenting, use that knowledge. Rooms that are brightly lit (even with the lights on) and/or have weak projectors, tend to work better with dark slide backgrounds and white or light text. Dark rooms and strong projectors work well with light, white, or medium-colored slide backgrounds and dark text. If you’re not sure, try for a very light background and dark text–high contrast makes your slide more easily readable in any circumstance.

Don’t use a slide theme, Prezi template, or font that is too “fancy” and distracting. Err on the side of simplicity–the slide text should be easy to read. You’re not entering a design contest (although ideally, you want something aesthetically pleasing), you’re trying to clearly communicate information. Prezi can get particularly distracting if you zoom, rotate, and move around a lot between slides. Sure, it’s thrilling and different–but it can also nauseate your audience. I’ve used Prezi, PowerPoint, and Keynote–the important thing isn’t the tool you use, but how you use it.

I’m a proponent of less text in slides. I know several effective presenters who put no text in their slides, and that’s admirable (and risky!). However, as an audience member, I like some text on a slide to give me an idea of where the speaker is headed. Text can be used effectively in slides to: highlight key words and ideas, use repetition to make a point, and convey long quotes (when absolutely necessary).

Here’s a helpful viewpoint: think about what you dislike in presentations. It’s surprisingly hard to keep that perspective in mind when creating your own slides. I’ve noticed myself falling into the same habits that drive me nuts when I’m in the audience (like writing the exact text I plan to say on the slide–arg!). Viewing the presentation from the audience’s perspective helps me avoid these things.

Some people say that fewer slides are better. I don’t always agree; sometimes I need to move through multiple slides quickly, to make a point. Don’t worry about hard and fast “presentation rules” (including what I’m saying here!). Try what feels natural for you, and if it seems to work, keep doing it.

For instance: if you don’t present well with slides, then don’t use them. There are other ways to bring in visual cues, and if you’re a dynamic speaker, you can opt to go without them altogether.

Speaker Notes

Presenting4My personal style of notes varies a bit. Sometimes I make notes that look like an outline with bulleted lists (similar to my slide text), with keywords bolded (readers of this blog probably aren’t surprised by my penchant for, ahem, boldness). Sometimes I write a near full-length script, but again with key words and phrases bolded. A script helps me to practice with all the content I want to say, and have a “cheat sheet” if I lose my way during the Real Thing. (This is particularly important during job interviews, allowing you to continue on during a moment of panic without looking like you’ve lost your way.) However if I’m breezing along as I usually do, I just glance at my notes briefly to check the next bolded word/phrase, which jogs my memory.

Presenting (The Speaking Bit)

Ask yourself: how can you present engagingly? Present in a way that makes your session moderators glad they asked you, instead of just reading a paper you wrote. To me, this means bringing your personality into the mix and explaining your ideas in plain language.
I have two “presenting” tones for my voice. One is formal, reserved for the rare occasion when I’m asked to read a paper, or give a speech. I try to avoid this tone whenever possible–it isolates the audience, and I dislike listening to presentations given in such tones. The second tone, which is just an energized version of my everyday voice, takes some practice but is far more interesting. To use this tone, it helps to be in the right mindset. Don’t think of spectators as The Audience To Which You Are Presenting, think of them as a group of interested colleagues and friends. Be relaxed, even casual if possible–it’s more interesting for an audience to listen to your relaxed voice.

One method that helps me get into Relaxed Voice Mode is practicing a presentation in front of friends. Practicing with colleagues can help, but there’s nothing that will make your Formal Presentation Voice sound sillier that giving your dissertation defense presentation to your husband. (True story–poor guy.) I loosened up considerably the second time around, and gave a more interesting presentation because of it (according to him).

I’m an advocate of being as active as possible while speaking–walk around, wave your arms. This goes directly against my communication courses in high school and college, who told me to stand still and stop fidgeting (ha!). However, I like watching active, dynamic speakers, that’s how I prefer to present. If I’m presenting and you see me standing still behind a podium, I’m either being held hostage by stodgy academics (please send help!) or I’m feeling under the weather (please send hot and sour soup to my hotel room!).

After the Presentation

If there’s an opportunity, ask for feedback from the audience (or moderator). At an academic conference, there may be a session discussant who’s specifically tasked with reading your full paper and giving feedback, which I find amazing. If there’s a Q&A, take notes about the questions–they can help you determine what topics you should expand on. Remember, you may present on this topic againfeedback is helpful! Even if criticisms are worded, ahem, not so diplomatically, take it with a grain of salt and keep the critic’s actual point in mind.

Also use feedback for the next step, which is: refine your topic for publication. If your presentation is research-related, this should be a no-brainer. Let me get on my soapbox here and shout: disseminate your research broadly! If your topic is geared toward practitioners and/or is hands-on, consider if there’s an appropriate publication outlet for it.
Finally, make your presentation findable online. Upload slides to slideshare (see screenshot) or otherwise link to your slides. Update your CV (print version, online, and LinkedIn page) with the presentation title, event, and date.

Now, do I always follow my own advice? No, I tweak depending on the particular topic and–even more so–depending on the audience. In the past three weeks, I’ve given two presentations: one used many images and one had only a background image. Neither had a lot of text. Each was suited for its purpose.

In the end, it’s up to your judgment. Noted statistician / informationist / infographic guru Edward Tufte gives a bunch of perfectly logical reasons why PowerPoint (or any slideshow) is a wretched way to present information. I think Tufte is a visionary when it comes to presenting data, and I see many of his points–but I still find slideshows an effective way for me to present. I’m interested in your feedback.

To wrap things up, here’s a list of related posts:

2012 NaNoWriMo and AcWriMo Goals

While I wait on copy edits for my dissertation, I’m going to participate in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) for the first time! I’ve always wanted to–we had support groups and coffee for participants at the UNT Libraries each year–but work plus school never left me with the will to add a novel to the mix. This year, I’m planning to split my writing goals between NaNo (typical goal is 50,000 words by the end of the month) and AcWriMo–Academic Writing Month. Here’s how I’m splitting it up:

  • NaNoWriMo: 40,000 words
  • AcWriMo: 10,000 words (1 book chapter, 1 article)
  • dissertation copy-edits (when I get the draft back): no word count, just counting it as productive related-to-writing time!

Since I was traveling, I didn’t actually start until yesterday, and I’m going to play by my own rules (a NaNo rebel! I’m in good company…) and give myself until December 12th to meet these goals. That gives me until two days before my commencement to get it all done, which seems like a decent amount of time.

The chapter is for an upcoming book on leadership in academic libraries–my chapter is on recommendations for education and mentoring of future library leaders. It will draw on my dissertation research, specifically my last chapter that discusses results and implications. I’ve got several articles percolating in my brain that are based on my dissertation research… I’m narrowing it down to either focusing on my results related to education of library deans, or an article that reports an overview of all my results. I’d like to publish the educational one first, but that one will require some additional stats crunching beyond what I already calculated for my dissertation. So we’ll see how that goes, crammed in with all the other writing.

I’ve got a teeny tiny plush Chewie (as in, the Wookie) who’s going to be my writing mascot. He’s tiny enough to take along in my purse, and hopefully he’ll keep me amused and encouraged about the process. I’m going to meet awesome-framily-and-author Claire tonight for a writing date, so Chewie may meet some sparkly unicorn pals to keep him company… Nothing like some unicorns and a large furry alien to get you excited about writing a book chapter on academic library leadership! 

In Which I Obtain Results

Happy Kharkov Independence Day! And tomorrow Alex is off work for Ukrainian Independence Day. Huzzah!

Since we got back from New York City two weeks ago, I’ve been busy nearly nonstop. My dissertation survey is live, and I never realized how much time all the emailing would take. There are emails to send out before the survey, emails launching the survey, reminder and thank you emails, and most important and time-consuming of all, responding to individual survey participants who have questions or non-working survey links. Or, in many cases, saying thanks to the many gracious people who took the time to say encouraging words about my research–academic librarians are awesome! It’s extremely satisfying to survey a population that is so invested and interested in academic research.

Thus, my silence on this blog, and my increasingly incoherent blatherings on Twitter as I seek a social outlet between emails.

Now, I’m splitting my time between the last rounds of emails, revising Chapter 3 (Methodology), testing statistical analyses on my pilot data, and starting Chapter 4 (Results). RESULTS. What a magical, satisfying, and utterly terrifying word! It means that I’ve actually gathered all that data I started out to get–hooray!–and now must start pounding it into statistical submission–hooray and egads and wow!

One day, though, I will be done. And that day is quickly approaching.

And then I might blog about something other than my dissertation progress. Like those trips we took earlier this year, and more about what living in Ukraine is like, and how I’m really enjoying cooking from scratch all the time (possibly because it’s something OTHER than my dissertation).

For now, I’ll split my time between Qualtrics, SPSS, Word, Excel, and email. Bye!